玩出好關係 : 提升青少年關係的體驗式教學 = The power of healthy relationship : experiential learning activities for building up teenagers' interpersonal relationship / 提升青少年關係的體驗式教學 The power of healthy relationship : experiential learning activities for building up teenagers' interpersonal relationship 洪中夫著 - 初版 - 新北市 : 校園書房, 2010﹝民99﹞ - 227面 ; 28公分+ 附DVD光碟2片、CD一片 - 服事 .
9789861981857 (平裝附光碟) : 新台幣350元
玩出好關係 : 提升青少年關係的體驗式教學 = The power of healthy relationship : experiential learning activities for building up teenagers' interpersonal relationship / 提升青少年關係的體驗式教學 The power of healthy relationship : experiential learning activities for building up teenagers' interpersonal relationship 洪中夫著 - 初版 - 新北市 : 校園書房, 2010﹝民99﹞ - 227面 ; 28公分+ 附DVD光碟2片、CD一片 - 服事 .
9789861981857 (平裝附光碟) : 新台幣350元